I absolutely hate getting up before eight o'clock in the morning.
I hate eating vegetables. However, I sometimes eat green beans and spinach.
I don't like cleaning or cooking. Sometimes I cook , but the results are terrible.
I don't mind helping at home or working overtime.
I like my job very much. Some students find English difficult to pronounce. But they make the effort. That is very rewarding for me.
I love singing along when I drive my car. My favourites are country music, and of course, Julio Iglesias. The song called: "rio rebelde" is the top one when I am happy. The duet with Alejandro Fernandez "Dos corazones rotos" is also very nice. People laugh at me when they see me, but I love singing in the car!!
Above all, I absolutely love eating chocolate. It is my secret vice.
And what about you? Please leave a message telling who you are, and how you are.