News update!!
Next year, I will be teaching in EOI Bermeo too although I still don't know which level. I hope to see you there!!
viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009
martes, 9 de junio de 2009
Dear students,
This year, it has been a pleasure to be with you in class.
I would like to say thank you to all of you, especially to the ones who have come to class EVERY DAY. I know it is not easy to come to class after work and enjoy it (0n rainy days, 0n cold days, on days when you have many things to do, 0n crisis days, in ERE days etc)
It is not just a simple letter, but a complicated letter, you can use in summer, together with WORDREFERENCE to try to learn more words in English while you try to understand it.
This year, it has been a pleasure to be with you in class.
I would like to say thank you to all of you, especially to the ones who have come to class EVERY DAY. I know it is not easy to come to class after work and enjoy it (0n rainy days, 0n cold days, on days when you have many things to do, 0n crisis days, in ERE days etc)
I would like to add that I have laughed a lot with you in class, and that is a treasure that will go with me wherever I go. I heard of Lucas, or Look ass while we were learning phrasal verbs with the word LOOK, (lucas is the barber of Bermeo, they told me) and laughed about that for days... I still cannot avoid laughing when I remember.
Some words will remain in my memory for years even when I forget your names (you already know that my memory is like a sieve, which means I am forgetful for names) : Does the word "piscin" bring anything to your minds? Jon, let me tell you, I will never forget you writing "PISCIN" instead of swimming pool.!! It was such fun!!
I liked your effort in class, and your sense of humour. It has been the best of medicines for me, to cure my woes when I arrived home. I was really lucky to have you in my class.
For the next year, (regardless of where I am) I wish you luck, happiness and strength to continue learning English. And from time to time, I will continue writing in this blog. We can know about each other in summer too. (I am hooked on the Internet, now I can use it properly and this will serve me as a test to improve my skill in new technologies.)
Last but not least, I think that we didn't say goodbye in the proper way, so if you feel that you would like to talk for the last time over a beer, have fun for some minutes and do a proper farewell, I will be more than happy to receive your ideas about WHICH DATE and TIME we can do that. Please let's make it before the 20th of June!
We'll keep in touch
martes, 2 de junio de 2009
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
Here you have the exam dates:
Written exam: June 1, 2009 (MOnday)
from 15:00 to 17:30
Oral exam: June 8, 2009 (Monday)
from 9:00 to 14:00
Wish you luck!
Written exam: June 1, 2009 (MOnday)
from 15:00 to 17:30
Oral exam: June 8, 2009 (Monday)
from 9:00 to 14:00
Wish you luck!
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

We may win, or we may loose. That is the essence of sport, and playing matches. But we never give up. Our Athletic and its lions always fight until the end, and this they proved yesterday, May 13th, 2009 in Mestalla football stadium, in the King's cup final 2009.
We support you, we are proud of you.
In Liverpool they say: "you will never walk alone",
in Bilbao we say :
"Aupa Athletic! Beti Zurekin!"
VISIT OF Mrs Irene Madarieta
Dear A1-s , Howdy!
On May 13th, we had the visit of Mrs Irene Madarieta, from Burns, Oregon (USA)
We learned about the life in United States, the education system, the jobs,
we talked about crisis and current affairs too.
We also learned an expression used to talk about very efficient secretaries that says:
"she's his bosses girl Friday"
We talked about respect towards teachers in education. (we don't seem to differ very much on this)
B2.2 students joined in too, and so did Izaskun , their teacher. I have been in Portland and Izaskun has been there too, so we could share our memories about the city of Portland, Oregon (4 hours away from Burns by car). Hey, as always the top one topic also appeared: favourite American food. We agreed that we loved clam chowder !
By the way, Athletic of Bilbao was playing the final of the King's cup in Valencia, for the first time in 25 years. We wanted to support them, so we brought the flag of the team to Bermeo. Jon wore the team's official t-shirt. In the end they were beaten by the Barcelona, by 1-4. Anyway, everybody in Biscay celebrated reaching the finals. Bilbao, and all Biscayan towns were crowded with people watching the match in super big screens installed in the streets. It was worth celebrating the pride of having a team, composed only by entirely Basque players. 
viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Dear A1:
This picture shows the cast of a tv series called THE LOVE BOAT. Do you remember their names? I can't. The only one I can remember is captain Stubbing.
This tv series, had a song which was made famous by John Paul Young. The name of the song is LOVE IS IN THE AIR. Click on the title of the song to see its lyrics while listening to it. (This song, I dedicate lovingly to Izaskun, our teacher of B1.1, and she knows why I tell this, it's a little joke between us)
Hope you like it as much as I do.
lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
Some americans took part in a survey about questions with general knowledge. Please click on video presentation, read the questions and answer them. After that, play the video presentation (by clicking on the icon), compare your results with the results of the video presentation.
Please make comments on what you think. Even if they are anonymous!!
Please make comments on what you think. Even if they are anonymous!!
lunes, 6 de abril de 2009
What's in a kiss? by Gilbert O' Sullivan.
Is a kiss a moment of bliss? (bliss: extreme joy and happiness)
Am I your very own delicatessen? (wow! )
Am I well equipped to supply you with your every need?
How I wish somebody sang this song to me!!!
Is a kiss a moment of bliss? (bliss: extreme joy and happiness)
Am I your very own delicatessen? (wow! )
Am I well equipped to supply you with your every need?
How I wish somebody sang this song to me!!!
Eensy Weensy was a very naughty and stubborn little Spider. She liked going up the water spouts. When it rained, she fell from them to the floor.
But she was very stubborn, so she went up the spout again when the sun came out. If you click on this, you can listen to the Eensy Weensy Spider nursery rhyme. Children usually sing it and make some gestures with their hands, and it is fun to sing it in groups. Below there is picture of little Eensy Weensy climbing up the spout. Try and sing it to your children and have fun together. Click here if you want to see the children singing.
Sorry if this is too childish for you, but these days my inner child is coming out from me, and I wanted to share it with you.
water spout

Dear A1-s:
Somebody told me in class that we had listened to the alphabet very few times, and that he or she would like to listen to it again. Well, looking for them in youtube, I came across this wonderful video-presentation of the alphabet in English for children. Well, don't we all have a little child inside?
You can click on the video and enjoy going back to your childhood again.
Thanks for the idea.
If you find this video is for children, and you are a serious adult, there is a video for you too. Click here to watch it.
It says "/si/" for z? Why not (/zed/)? Look it up in your dictionaries!
Well, don't despair! There are still some other videos you can enjoy. Click here for another jewel in English.
Somebody told me in class that we had listened to the alphabet very few times, and that he or she would like to listen to it again. Well, looking for them in youtube, I came across this wonderful video-presentation of the alphabet in English for children. Well, don't we all have a little child inside?
You can click on the video and enjoy going back to your childhood again.
Thanks for the idea.
If you find this video is for children, and you are a serious adult, there is a video for you too. Click here to watch it.
It says "/si/" for z? Why not (/zed/)? Look it up in your dictionaries!
Well, don't despair! There are still some other videos you can enjoy. Click here for another jewel in English.
This link contains a song sung by Elton John for the film "The Lion King". The title of the song is "Can you feel the love tonight?" I chose to upload it here, because it is one of my favourite songs. The more I listen to it, the more I like it.
Click here to listen to the song . Below you can read the lyrics in English with their correspondent spanish translation. Hope you enjoy it!
There’s a calm surrender --- Hay una tranquila rendicion
To the rush of day --- tras el ajetreo del dia
When the heat of a rolling wind --- cuando el calor del viento sofocante
Can be turned away --- se puede evitar
An enchanted moment --- un momento encantado
And it sees me through --- y me ayuda en mi camino
It’s enough --- es suficiente
For this restless warrior --- para este guerrero inquieto
Just to be with you --- solo el hecho de estar contigo
Can you feel the love tonight? --- puedes sentir el amor esta noche?
It is where we are --- esta justo donde estamos nosotros
It’s enough --- es suficiente
For this wide-eyed wanderer --- para este trotamundos de ojos muy abiertos
That we got this far --- el que llejaramos asi de lejos
And can you feel the love tonight? --- y puedes sentir el amor esta noche?
How it’s laid to rest --- como se ha echado a descansar
It’s enough --- es suficiente
To make kings and vagabonds --- para hacer a reyes y vagabundos
Believe the very best --- creer en lo mejor (un mundo mejor)
There’s a time for everyone - hay un tiempo para cada uno
If they only learn --- solo si aprenden
That the twisting kaleidoscope --- que el caleidoscopio giratorio
Moves us all in turns --- nos mueve a todos a turnos
There’s a rhyme and reason --- hay un ritmo y una razon
To the wild outdoors --- para la naturaleza salvaje de ahí afuera
When the heart --- cuando el corazón
Of this star-crossed voyager --- de este viajero predestinado
Beats in time with yours --- late al mismo tiempo que el tuyo
And can you feel the love tonight? --- y puedes sentir el amor esta noche?
Click here to listen to the song . Below you can read the lyrics in English with their correspondent spanish translation. Hope you enjoy it!
There’s a calm surrender --- Hay una tranquila rendicion
To the rush of day --- tras el ajetreo del dia
When the heat of a rolling wind --- cuando el calor del viento sofocante
Can be turned away --- se puede evitar
An enchanted moment --- un momento encantado
And it sees me through --- y me ayuda en mi camino
It’s enough --- es suficiente
For this restless warrior --- para este guerrero inquieto
Just to be with you --- solo el hecho de estar contigo
Can you feel the love tonight? --- puedes sentir el amor esta noche?
It is where we are --- esta justo donde estamos nosotros
It’s enough --- es suficiente
For this wide-eyed wanderer --- para este trotamundos de ojos muy abiertos
That we got this far --- el que llejaramos asi de lejos
And can you feel the love tonight? --- y puedes sentir el amor esta noche?
How it’s laid to rest --- como se ha echado a descansar
It’s enough --- es suficiente
To make kings and vagabonds --- para hacer a reyes y vagabundos
Believe the very best --- creer en lo mejor (un mundo mejor)
There’s a time for everyone - hay un tiempo para cada uno
If they only learn --- solo si aprenden
That the twisting kaleidoscope --- que el caleidoscopio giratorio
Moves us all in turns --- nos mueve a todos a turnos
There’s a rhyme and reason --- hay un ritmo y una razon
To the wild outdoors --- para la naturaleza salvaje de ahí afuera
When the heart --- cuando el corazón
Of this star-crossed voyager --- de este viajero predestinado
Beats in time with yours --- late al mismo tiempo que el tuyo
And can you feel the love tonight? --- y puedes sentir el amor esta noche?
martes, 31 de marzo de 2009
This lady is singing the mom's song very quickly,
see if you can follow. If you can, you are a very
well behaved child.
I dedicate this , specially to moms that still
can find time to learn English.
Thank you so much.
see if you can follow. If you can, you are a very
well behaved child.
I dedicate this , specially to moms that still
can find time to learn English.
Thank you so much.
This bit of video was taken from the film "My best friend's wedding".
I chose it because it is the best love declaration I have ever seen. If you
ever wish to ask somebody out, please have a hint with this film.
I chose it because it is the best love declaration I have ever seen. If you
ever wish to ask somebody out, please have a hint with this film.
lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009
These are the pictures of the lecture given
by Ahmadul Haque, at the begining of the
year. It was called: The Spirit of South Asia
I hope you enjoy it.
by Ahmadul Haque, at the begining of the
year. It was called: The Spirit of South Asia
I hope you enjoy it.
miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009
martes, 24 de marzo de 2009
Here you have some online exercises to do if you wish to practice English while wasting time at the computer in your office.
Irregular verb crossword
A little- a few quiz
to be or to do quiz
Irregular verb crossword
A little- a few quiz
to be or to do quiz
jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009
It is usual for people in English-speaking countries to celebrate Valentine’s day by sending Valentine Card’s to people they love.
It is usual for people in English-speaking countries to celebrate Valentine’s day by sending Valentine Card’s to people they love.
What could be more romantic than receiving a love letter? A good old fashioned, hand-written love letter is still one of the best Valentines around, but don’t just save it for February. A love letter is a powerful expression any day of the year.
You don’t have to be Shakespeare to write the perfect love letter. All you need to know is how you feel.
All you need to get started is a pen and some decent stationery. Use thick card stock with some texture to it . The person who receives it is probably going to keep this letter for a long time. Writing on heavy card stock will help it endure for a long time.
While you are writing be specific. Tell him exactly how he makes you feel and what he does that makes you feel that way. Write in the second person ( use “you” ), this way, your letter speaks directly to him or her.
The following questions can help you organise your ideas:
What is his greatest positive characteristic?
What do you see in him that he/she doesn’t see in himself?
What is the most romantic thing he/she has ever done for you?
What does heshe do on a regular basis that shows you he cares about you?
When did you fall in love with him?
What about him pleasantly surprised you?
What is your favorite memory of the two of you?
How has your world changed since you got together?
What is his greatest positive characteristic?
What do you see in him that he/she doesn’t see in himself?
What is the most romantic thing he/she has ever done for you?
What does heshe do on a regular basis that shows you he cares about you?
When did you fall in love with him?
What about him pleasantly surprised you?
What is your favorite memory of the two of you?
How has your world changed since you got together?
When you start your letter, include his/her name. You don’t have to be super-mushy right from the start, a simple “Dear _____” is ok.
Begin your letter with a very specific quality that you appreciate about him or her. Make the sentence exclusive :
“I’ve never met anyone as _______ as you”
“No one has ever made me feel as____ as you do when you ____”
Starting this way shows him or her that he or she ranks higher than anyone else in your books – a great way to start a love letter.
As you write, tell him/her exactly how you feel. Use specific examples. . Share a favorite memory and a hope for the future.
Don’t forget to say “I love you.”
The length of your letter is not important, as long as it’s sincere.
If you don’t have a poem in mind, there’s a lot to choose from online. If you want to use something other than the usual classics, I highly recommend “Dance Me to the End of Love” by Leonard Cohen.
Once your letter is complete, read it over carefully and check for errors. This letter will be read over and over. You don’t want a mistake spoiling the mood.
Once the letter is complete, drop it in the mail and wait for a great response. If you’re lucky, you just might get a love letter yourself.
Good Luck!!
jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009
Please, send a comment, saying what question you want to ask to your favourite actor.
for example:
A question for Javier Bardem:
Can you drive?
I am eager to read your comments.
(By the way, they say that Javier Bardem learnt to drive when he had to act in the film : Vicky, Cristina Barcelona. ¿Did you know it?)
for example:
A question for Javier Bardem:
Can you drive?
I am eager to read your comments.
(By the way, they say that Javier Bardem learnt to drive when he had to act in the film : Vicky, Cristina Barcelona. ¿Did you know it?)
martes, 3 de febrero de 2009
17.- WEBSITE URL s for LISTENING Para ver las palabras como se pronuncian para escuchar textos o dialogos y contestar preguntas para escuchar textos o dialogos y contestar preguntas
jueves, 22 de enero de 2009
martes, 13 de enero de 2009
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