Here you have the exam dates:
Written exam: June 1, 2009 (MOnday)
from 15:00 to 17:30
Oral exam: June 8, 2009 (Monday)
from 9:00 to 14:00
Wish you luck!
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

We may win, or we may loose. That is the essence of sport, and playing matches. But we never give up. Our Athletic and its lions always fight until the end, and this they proved yesterday, May 13th, 2009 in Mestalla football stadium, in the King's cup final 2009.
We support you, we are proud of you.
In Liverpool they say: "you will never walk alone",
in Bilbao we say :
"Aupa Athletic! Beti Zurekin!"
VISIT OF Mrs Irene Madarieta
Dear A1-s , Howdy!
On May 13th, we had the visit of Mrs Irene Madarieta, from Burns, Oregon (USA)
We learned about the life in United States, the education system, the jobs,
we talked about crisis and current affairs too.
We also learned an expression used to talk about very efficient secretaries that says:
"she's his bosses girl Friday"
We talked about respect towards teachers in education. (we don't seem to differ very much on this)
B2.2 students joined in too, and so did Izaskun , their teacher. I have been in Portland and Izaskun has been there too, so we could share our memories about the city of Portland, Oregon (4 hours away from Burns by car). Hey, as always the top one topic also appeared: favourite American food. We agreed that we loved clam chowder !
By the way, Athletic of Bilbao was playing the final of the King's cup in Valencia, for the first time in 25 years. We wanted to support them, so we brought the flag of the team to Bermeo. Jon wore the team's official t-shirt. In the end they were beaten by the Barcelona, by 1-4. Anyway, everybody in Biscay celebrated reaching the finals. Bilbao, and all Biscayan towns were crowded with people watching the match in super big screens installed in the streets. It was worth celebrating the pride of having a team, composed only by entirely Basque players. 
viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009
jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Dear A1:
This picture shows the cast of a tv series called THE LOVE BOAT. Do you remember their names? I can't. The only one I can remember is captain Stubbing.
This tv series, had a song which was made famous by John Paul Young. The name of the song is LOVE IS IN THE AIR. Click on the title of the song to see its lyrics while listening to it. (This song, I dedicate lovingly to Izaskun, our teacher of B1.1, and she knows why I tell this, it's a little joke between us)
Hope you like it as much as I do.
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